Click here to view the 2013 webinar
*Please note: the recorded webinar is not approved for CLE.
Clifford Law Offices is sponsoring a free two-hour continuing legal education program on the ethics of witness preparation in the sixth annual Clifford Law Offices Continuing Legal Education Series. A number of hypotheticals will be presented to help attendees understand the ethics of dealing with witnesses for deposition and trial. Should I first explain the law before asking the client what happened? Should I reveal other evidence and ask a witness her testimony? What are the differences between preparing a witness for deposition or for trial? These are some of the questions that will be answered. Presenters will discuss the distinction between aiding a witness to make a point clearly versus how to avoid changing a witness’ presentation so that it is false or creates a false impression. The goal of the two hours is to improve the morality of a lawyer’s conduct and to emphasize that the lawyer must be fully prepared – know the theory of the case, the facts, the documents, prior statements of the witness. Be a good listener and don’t over advocate. The Model Rules of Professional Conduct will be discussed.
Our speakers are:
Robert A. Clifford, senior partner, Clifford Law Offices, moderator.
The Honorable Kathy M. Flanagan, Supervising Judge, Motions Section, Law Division, Cook County Circuit Court.
Professor Stephen Saltzburg, George Washington University Law School.
The free program, which has been approved for two hours of professional responsibility credit by the Illinois Commission on Professionalism, will be held at the DePaul Conference Center. This interactive program will be available onsite at DePaul (limited attendance) or via the internet.
Program Title: Ethics of Witness Preparation for Deposition and Trial
Date: Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013
Time: 2:30-4:30 p.m.
Place: DePaul University College of Law, DePaul Center, 1 E. Jackson Blvd., Room 8005, Chicago, IL