12 Clifford Law Attorneys Recognized by Leading Lawyers
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    12 Clifford Law Attorneys Recognized by Leading Lawyers

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    Posted on July 28, 2022 To
    12 Clifford Law Attorneys Recognized by Leading Lawyers

    Twelve Clifford Law Offices attorneys have been recognized as Leading Lawyers by Law Bulletin Media for 2022. Lawyers are selected through surveys of lawyers asking them “which of their peers, indeed their competitors, they would recommend to a family member or friend if they could not take a case within their area of law or geographic region.” Lawyers cannot nominate themselves or anyone at their own law firm.

    “Less than 5% of all lawyers licensed in each state have received the distinction of Leading Lawyer,” according to Leading Lawyers on their website.

    The following Clifford Law Offices attorneys have been recommended by their peers to be among the top lawyers in Illinois:

    Robert A. Clifford, Kevin P. Durkin, and Keith Hebeisen have been recommended by their peers as a Leading Lawyer since 2003, the first year of Leading Lawyers.

    Congratulations to all the lawyers who have been recognized. Learn more about Clifford Law Offices here.