2023 Clifford Scholar-in-Residence Announced
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    2023 Clifford Scholar-in-Residence Announced

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    Posted on October 11, 2023 To
    2023 Clifford Scholar-in-Residence Announced

    DePaul University College of Law has announced that Seth Katsuya Endo, Associate Professor of Law at Seattle University, has been named the 2023 Clifford Scholar-in-Residence. A committee of leading civil justice faculty examined the work of professors nationwide who have contributed to the field of tort law and chose Endo as the national “rising star” in civil justice and this year’s Scholar.

    In his role as Scholar-in-Residence, Professor Endo will make a presentation on “Professional Conduct Rules as Procedural Gap Filler” on November 14, 2023, with Professor Alexandra Lahav, of Cornell University Law School to commentate.

    The free program will be held at the DePaul Center, Room 8005, 1 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, from 3-4:15 p.m. In-person seating is limited. The program also is offered live online. It has been approved for 1.25 hours of general or professional responsibility CLE credit. A reception will follow.

    Endo will discuss the Federal Rules of Civil Procure in multidistrict (MDL) litigation and how judges treat “gaps” in the Federal Rules as invitations to invent ad hoc solutions. Endo will address how judges have failed to appreciate the degree to which the rules of legal ethics speak to these judicial management problems.

    Professor Endo writes and teaches civil procedure and professional responsibility. His scholarship has appeared in the Texas Law Review, Fordham Law Review, Boston College Law Review, and other legal journals. Prior to joining the Seattle University School of Law, he taught at the University of Florida Levin College of Law and in the Lawyering Program at NYU School of Law. Endo also clerked for several judges including the Hon. Rosemary Barkett, then-circuit judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit. He received his BA from the University of Chicago and his JD from NYU.

    This third annual visitorship complements the annual Clifford Symposium on Tort Law & Social Policy, which has brought together civil justice scholars for more than a quarter century to share their ideas and publish their work, and it continues the tradition of developing up-and-coming civil justice scholars. Both programs are made possible through the generosity of alumnus Robert A. Clifford and the support of Clifford Law Offices.

    Registration is required for the free Clifford Scholar-in-Residence program. To register, click here.

    For further information, contact Npinkey@depaul.edu.