4 Killed in Wichita Plane Accident | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    4 Killed in Wichita Plane Accident

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    Posted on October 31, 2014 To

    Four people were killed, while five others were injured, when a small airplane crashed into the top of a flight safety center at an airport in Wichita, Kansas, while trying to return to the runway shortly after takeoff, according to NBC News. The crash was reportedly the result of an engine failure, NBC News reported. According to radio traffic recorded by LiveATC.net, the operators of the plane declared an emergency immediately after takeoff, radioing to the control tower that, “We just lost the engine,” NBC News reported. Fifty to sixty fire personnel responded to the accident scene, but were quickly evacuated after the flight safety center was deemed unstable, according to CNN. Two of the four deceased victims were located inside the building when the plane crashed, CNN reported. There were roughly 100 people inside of the building when the plane crashed, according to CNN. Of the five injured, three were in good condition and released from Christi health, a local hospital, while one was in “serious” condition, and the other in “fair” condition, NBC News reported.