Bob Clifford Writes Column on the Importance of Client Communications | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Bob Clifford Writes Column on the Importance of Client Communications

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    Posted on February 3, 2014 To

    Robert A. Clifford, senior partner at Clifford Law Offices, wrote a column for the February issue of the Chicago Lawyer on the importance of staying in touch with clients (“If communication is rockin’, the ARDC won’t come a knockin'”). Click here to read the entire column: Clifford’s Notes, Chicago Lawyer. He offers some important tips as well as answers that are provided by the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission (ARDC) at The column will be distributed to the more than 2,000 registrants thus far who will be attending the 7th Annual Clifford Law Offices Continuing Legal Education Program, “The Ethics of Client Communications.” The two-hour webinar on Feb. 20 from 2:30-4:30 p.m. will be held at DePaul University College of Law, Clifford’s alma mater. Clifford will be moderating the panel of Illinois Appellate Court Justice Maureen Connors, James J. Grogan of the Illinois ARDC and Sara Parikh, Ph. D., Managing Director of Leo J. Shapiro & Associates in Chicago. There is still time to register for the webinar at