Tips for Parents in Choosing Healthy Video Games for Their Children and Other Learning Tools | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Tips for Parents in Choosing Healthy Video Games for Their Children and Other Learning Tools

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    Posted on January 15, 2015 To

    Dr. G on Choosing Healthy Games Yes? No? Maybe? Unsure how to monitor your kids’ video game choices and use? Dr. G shares three tips for choosing healthy games and three ways to use them as educational resources. View video.

    Learning WorksGuide to Kids Video Games, Ages 7 to 11

    FunDrop is an E-rated video game rental service for kids. The company’s YouTube channel features a four-part series that first walks parents through selecting the right game console, then advises them on game choices. View videos.

    Game ScreenReview Quality Video Games in Action

    LearningWorks for Kids was founded on the premise that video games can be a powerful tool (when used responsibly) for the intellectual, emotional and academic development of children and young adults. These videos present video games that demonstrate these principles. View video page.