Interesting Statistics You Should Know About Defective Medical Devices | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Interesting Statistics You Should Know About Defective Medical Devices

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    Posted on June 24, 2015 To

    You Should Know Newsletter

    $133 Billion
    The size of the United States medical device market is expected to surpass $133 billion by 2016. At $110 billion, it is currently the largest medical device market in the world.

    71% Failed
    A 2011 study found that 71 percent of Class I medical device recalls (those deemed most likely to cause serious adverse outcomes or death) were cleared through the FDA’s 510(k) fast-track approval process. 1,190 Recalls According to a recent FDA report, recalls of defective medical devices nearly doubled from 2003 through 2012: 1,190 in 2012 compared with 604 in 2003.