2023 Clifford Scholar-in-Residence Lecture by Seth Katsuya Endo
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    2023 Clifford Scholar-in-Residence Lecture by Seth Katsuya Endo

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    Posted on October 30, 2023 To
    2023 Clifford Scholar-in-Residence Lecture by Seth Katsuya Endo

    Seattle University Associate Professor of Law, Seth Katsuya Endo, 2023 Clifford Scholar-in-Residence, presented a lecture on “Professional Conduct Rules as Procedural Gap Filler” at DePaul University and online on November 14, 2023, at 3:00 pm CST.

    Endo’s lecture covered the Federal Rules of Civil Procure in multidistrict (MDL) litigation and how judges treat “gaps” in the Federal Rules as invitations to invent ad hoc solutions. Endo addressed how judges have failed to appreciate the degree to which the rules of legal ethics speak to these judicial management problems. The lecture featured a response from commentator Professor Alexandra Lahav, of Cornell University Law School.

    The CLE-approved program was offered free and named the third annual scholar as part of the contributions made by Robert A. Clifford, a graduate of the law school, to further legal scholarship through the discussion and debate on important topics of interest to lawyers in Chicago and beyond.

    To learn more about the Clifford Scholar in Residence program, click here.

    Photos courtesy of Lori Wolan, DePaul College of Law.

    2024 Clifford Scholar in Residence, Seth Endo, speaks at DePaul Law School.

    2023 Clifford Scholar in Residence, Seth Katsuya Endo, speaks at DePaul Law School on November 14th.

    2024 Clifford Scholar in Residence Seth Endo is recognized at DePaul Law School.

    2023 Clifford Scholar in Residence, Seth Katsyua Endo (left), is recognized at DePaul Law School.