Advocate Medical Class Action Lawsuit Filed | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Advocate Medical Class Action Lawsuit Filed

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    Posted on September 8, 2013 To

    Clifford Law Offices filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of a mother and her daughter whose privacy and medical information, along with millions of others, was compromised as a result of Advocate Medical Group failing to take proper precautions to protect private data of its patients. Advocate Medical Group, based in Downers Grove, said that its administrative offices in Park Ridge were burglarized in July and four computers were taken containing patients’ names, addresses, phone numbers, Social Security numbers and other important data including medical diagnoses and insurance information were taken. The lawsuit alleges that Advocate was negligent in failing to use encryption and other basic security measures on behalf of its patients. Patients were informed in September of this alleged event that reportedly is under investigation by police. If you have been affected by this mishandling of your information and want to join the class action lawsuit, please click here to fill out a form and fax back or scan and email it to Clifford Law Offices at Please note the instructions on the PDF form can be printed and filled out. Click here to see the press release that was sent out by Clifford Law Offices when it filed the lawsuit.