May is Bike Safety Month | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    May is Bike Safety Month

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    Posted on May 30, 2013 To

    By the numbers
    675 Deaths: In 2011, 675 bicyclists were killed in crashes, a 10 percent increase from 2010. Overall, bike injuries and deaths are down for all age groups since 1975 except for men older than age 20. Source: Fatality Facts, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

    90% No Helmet: Over the past decade, roughly 90 percent of bikers killed in road accidents were not wearing helmets. Despite this fact, only 20 to 25 percent of all bikers wear bike helmets. Source: Statistics, Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute

    #1 for ER: More children go to hospital emergency departments for bicycle-related crashes than for any other sport. Source: Prevent Bicycle Crashes: Parents and Caregivers (download), National Highway Traffic Safety Administration