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    Posted on August 12, 2014 To

    Bob Clifford Quoted in Businessweek about Missing Malaysian Airliner

    Senior partner at Clifford Law Offices, Robert A. Clifford, was quoted in Businessweek on July 31, 2014 in regards to the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17. In an article entitled, “Malaysian Air Geopolitic Victims on Hard Road to Recovery,” the author explained possible compensation and claims for those affected by the flight. Clifford, whose firm focuses on aviation law, was quoted saying pilots should have not flown over a combat zone. “You and I…

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    Posted on August 12, 2014 To

    Clifford’s Notes: Cameras in the Courtroom

    August 12, 2014 Chicago Lawyer, Clifford’s Note’s By Robert Clifford, A pilot program allowing cameras in Illinois’ 23 circuit courts on a limited and experimental basis in civil and criminal cases was announced in January. Illinois Chief Justice Thomas Kilbride has long been applauded for supporting transparency in the courtroom and educating the public. The announcement came on the heels of a pilot program allowing cameras in federal court for civil trials in 14 districts…

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    Posted on August 7, 2014 To

    Robert A. Clifford Offers Tips to Those Who File Claims Relating to Trucking Accidents

    Robert A. Clifford, Senior Partner at Clifford Law Offices and monthly columnist for the Chicago Lawyer magazine, wrote his August, 2014 column entitled “Early Steps, Vital Steps: Truck Accidents Require Quick Action to Preserve Evidence.” In the article, Clifford explains the importance of quick and meaningful action on the part of a plaintiff’s attorney in accidents involving large trucks. As Clifford explains, defense attorneys can have an advantage in these types of accidents because they…

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    Posted on August 4, 2014 To

    Robert Clifford Reflects – Cases That Have Changed Me

    As thousands of 1L’s begin their journey through law school, I pause to reflect on my own career over nearly four decades and the cases that have changed me.

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    Posted on August 1, 2014 To

    Clifford’s Notes: Early Steps, Vital Steps: Truck Accidents Require Quick Action to Preserve Evidence

    August 1, 2014 A recent high-profile trucking accident involved actor and comedian Tracy Morgan. His limo bus carrying his entourage on the New Jersey Turnpike was struck and overturned in a chain-reaction crash apparently started by a Wal-Mart truck, leaving the 45-year-old actor in critical condition. One limo passenger was killed and two more were airlifted to the hospital. The truck driver from Georgia was charged with the death of Morgan’s friend, and surprisingly, Wal-Mart’s…

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    Posted on July 30, 2014 To

    The History of the Mosaic at Clifford Law Offices

    The front of the building of Clifford Law Offices at 120 N. LaSalle St. in Chicago has a beautiful mosaic that was handcrafted years ago. On Channel 11’s Chicago Tonight, in an Ask Geoffrey Baer segment on July 23, 2014, he gave the history of how it came to be on the front of the building. It’s a beautiful mosaic with a beautiful story based on a Greek myth. To hear how it came to…

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    Posted on July 29, 2014 To

    Clifford Law Offices Partners with Urban Alliance Chicago

    Clifford Law Offices has partnered with Urban Alliance Chicago, a program that works with the Chicago Public School system to provide year-round employment to high school seniors. One hundred companies and firms across the city employ students with paid workplace opportunities. The program was launched last year by Amy Rule, wife of Mayor Rahm Emanuel who now serves as the organization’s founding advisory board chair.

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    Posted on July 29, 2014 To

    Helpful Tips for Parents and Caregivers to Keep Kids Safe.

    You might think it’s impossible to forget there is a kid in a car. That only happens to irresponsible parents, you might say, shaking your head. News flash: It can happen to anyone, regardless of education or social standing. As the temperatures climb, so too does the risk of injury or death from heatstroke. Thirteen children have already died in hot cars this year. But this tragedy is 100 percent preventable. You should know what…

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    Posted on July 29, 2014 To

    Understanding Medical Malpractice

    Medical malpractice lawyer, Susan Capra, was interviewed by Clifford Law Offices in regards to malpractice cases. She explained the two common types of malpractice saying, “During surgery, [if] a surgeon cuts a wrong blood vessel or cuts on the wrong site – that’s an affirmative act. An example of an omission would be a failure to diagnose the condition.” Omission could also mean the doctor failed to pick up the red flags. She explained that…

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