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Clifford Law Offices Files $250 Million Pre-Case Claim Against FAA and US Army in DC Plane Crash Click here to view press release and watch video statement from Robert A. Clifford.
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    women everywhere education day sarah king
    Posted on January 29, 2020 To

    Sarah King: Volunteering at the Women Everywhere Education Day on February 26, 2020

    Sarah King, attorney at Clifford Law Offices is the current president of Women Everywhere. Women Everywhere, WE, is a non-profit organization driven by the volunteer efforts and goodwill of attorneys, judges, bar associations, and others in the Chicagoland legal community dedicated to creating opportunities for women and children in need through education and community service. Sarah will be volunteering at their February 26 Education Day event. This event brings 200-300 Chicago public high school girls…

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    clifford law offices sponsors women everywhere annual fundraiser
    Posted on January 27, 2020 To

    Clifford Law Offices Sponsors Women Everywhere Annual Fundraiser: February 20, 2020

    Sarah F. King, attorney at Clifford Law Offices, is the President of Women Everywhere: Partners in Service Project, referred to as “WE”, which is a not-for-profit organization comprised of attorneys and judges dedicated to creating opportunities for women through education and community service.  WE’s Annual Fundraiser will take place on February 20, 2020, and is sponsored by Clifford Law Offices. WE aims to inspire, encourage and provide assistance to hundreds of women each year. The fundraiser supports…

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    Clifford Law Offices is so honored to be named Aviation Law Firm of the Year
    Posted on January 27, 2020 To

    Clifford Law Offices Named Aviation Law Firm of the Year by ALM and The National Trial Lawyers

    On January 20, 2020 at an awards ceremony in Miami Beach, Florida, American Law Media (ALM) and The National Trial Lawyers announced the winners for the 2020 Elite Trial Lawyers. Clifford Law Offices was named Aviation Law Firm of the Year. “The 2020 Elite Trial Lawyers finalists delivered results for clients across a wide range of cases with some of the most difficult sets of facts, very challenging circumstances, often fighting uphill battles for years….

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    Sarah King: Organizer of 2020 ITLA Women's Caucus Lobbying Day
    Posted on January 24, 2020 To

    Sarah King: 2020 ITLA Women’s Caucus Lobbying Day

    Sarah King, attorney at Clifford Law Offices will be attending this year’s Illinois Trial Association Women’s Caucus Lobbying Day on February 18, 2020. Sarah is one of the co-founders of the Caucus and is the current chair. The Caucus provides educational opportunities, social events and perhaps most importantly, an environment which encourages networking and membership growth. For more information about the event taking place at the ITLA headquarters, click here.

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    Juul Facts
    Posted on January 23, 2020 To

    Alarming Facts About Teenagers and Juul E-Cigarettes

    Of all electronic cigarettes (also known as “e-cigs”) on the market, the Juul is now one of the most popular devices. According to data from Wells Fargo, sales of the Juul have surpassed those of any other e-cig available, including those sold by major tobacco companies. The last couple years have also seen dozens of “knock-off” devices that attempt to imitate the Juul’s sleek, colorful design and pod-based delivery system. One could argue that these…

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    clo bradley cosgrove ntl top 40 under 40
    Posted on January 23, 2020 To

    Bradley Cosgrove Makes The National Trial Lawyers: Top 40 Under 40 List Once Again

    Fair, tough, and a successful advocate for those in need are what Bradley Cosgrove, medical malpractice attorney and partner at Clifford Law Offices is known for. With his reputation, accomplishments and success record, it is no surprise that he has been named to The National Trial Lawyers: Top 40 Under 40 list once again. Brad started his career as a Chicago trial lawyer. Just one day after he received his law license, he undertook his…

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    clo sarah f king aaj winter convention
    Posted on January 22, 2020 To

    Sarah King to Speak at the American Association for Justice Winter Convention in New Orleans

    Sarah King, attorney at Clifford Law Offices, will be speaking at the upcoming American Association for Justice (AAJ) Winter Convention. Sarah will be discussing the topic of, “Opening Statements and Demonstratives in Birth Injury Cases”, focusing on the Gerald Sallis case, during the Birth Trauma Litigation Group Meeting on Sunday, February 9, 2020. The AAJ Winter Convention will take place February 8-11 at: Hilton New Orleans Riverside Center 2 Poydras Street, New Orleans, LA 70130…

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    clo mlk day quote blog
    Posted on January 20, 2020 To

    Remembering Martin Luther King Jr. Today and Everyday

    “True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice.” -Martin Luther King Jr. At Clifford Law Offices, we remember Martin Luther King Jr. today and everyday. Our Chicago personal injury lawyers are committed to bringing those responsible to justice. Peace can only be achieved by confronting and addressing illegal behaviors and wrongful acts. We are forever thankful for the work and wisdom of Dr. King and admire the legacy…

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    clo cardz for kidz winning card by brooke fink
    Posted on January 16, 2020 To

    Cardz for Kidz: Winning Card Made by Brooke Fink of Clifford Law Offices

    In April, Clifford Law Offices participated in a building-wide event for “Cardz for Kidz”. This organization is dedicated to uplifting the spirits of hospitalized and/or traumatized children from across the globe by delivering inspiring homemade cards. We sent many handcrafted cards made by our tenants back to the organization to distribute to the various children’s hospitals. Out of 10,000 cards submitted from the region, Brooke Fink from Clifford Law Offices won first place for her…

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