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Clifford Law Offices Files $250 Million Pre-Case Claim Against FAA and US Army in DC Plane Crash Click here to view press release and watch video statement from Robert A. Clifford.
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    Clifford Law Offices Obtains $8.5 Million Settlement on Behalf of Newborn’s Mother Who Dies at Childbirth
    Posted on June 20, 2019 To

    Clifford Law Offices Obtains $8.5 Million Settlement on Behalf of Newborn’s Mother Who Dies at Childbirth

    Keith A. Hebeisen and Sarah F. King, attorneys at Clifford Law Offices, obtained an $8.5 million settlement on behalf of a mother who died after childbirth at Stroger Hospital following the medical team’s failure to recognize and treat signs and symptoms of ongoing bleeding from a placental abruption. Leticia Lara, 38, died Nov. 28, 2013, following the delivery of her child. On the day of delivery, she had an increased heart rate and decreased blood…

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    Keith Hebeisen Testifies Before the Illinois Supreme Court Rules Committee
    Posted on June 20, 2019 To

    Keith Hebeisen Testifies Before The Illinois Supreme Court Rules Committee

    Keith A. Hebeisen, partner at Clifford Law Offices, testified Wednesday (June 19, 2019) before the Illinois Supreme Court Rules Committee at a public hearing on proposed changes to various court rules. In particular, Hebeisen, past president in 2005-2006 of the Illinois Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA), testified on behalf of ITLA regarding Proposed Rule 18-01 that would require statewide use of a standard HIPPA order, which is now required only in Cook County. Hebeisen testified that…

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    Posted on June 19, 2019 To

    Parents of Samya Stumo Attend Second Congressional Hearing on Boeing 737 Max8

    Nadia Milleron and Michael Stumo, parents of Samya Stumo who was killed in the tragic crash of a Boeing 737 Max8 in Ethiopia on March 10, attended a second hearing held by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s Aviation Subcommittee today. Representatives from the aviation industry including the pilots association, the flight attendants association and Captain Chelsey “Sully” Sullenberger who safely landed a plane on the Hudson that had problems shortly after takeoff all testified…

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    Posted on June 14, 2019 To

    Bob Clifford Speaks to WGN Radio on 25-Year Anniversary of the Deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman

    Robert A. Clifford, founder and senior partner of Clifford Law Offices, called the deaths of O.J. Simpson’s ex-wife and her friend and the ensuing media coverage “unprecedented” in America. Clifford, who spoke on the Pete MacMurray Show, discussed the “dream team” of lawyers who Clifford called “formidable.” He also talked of the many police mistakes that led to O.J. Simpson being found not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. In a civil trial two years later,…

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    Posted on June 13, 2019 To

    Bob Clifford to Speak on WGN Radio on Anniversary of O.J. Simpson Murder Trial

    ​Robert A. Clifford, founder and senior partner of Clifford Law Offices, will be speaking on WGN radio (720 AM) on Thursday, June 13th 2019 on the 25th anniversary of the deaths of Nicole Brown-Simpson and Ron Goldman, the criminal case against former superstar O.J. Simpson, and the $33.5 million wrongful death lawsuit that followed. ​Pete MacMurray, radio host, will be talking to Clifford about the wrongful death lawsuit filed in California by the family of Ron Goldman that…

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    Posted on June 11, 2019 To

    Families of Victims of 737 Boeing Max8 Crash Meet with Heads of FAA and NTSB

    Two families who lost loved ones in the crash of the 737 Boeing Max8 aircraft in Ethiopia on March 10 met Monday (June 10, 2019) with the heads of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). The meetings are believed to be the first of their kind with victims’ families. At the request of Paul Njoroge of Canada, who lost his wife and three small children and his mother-in-law, and…

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    Posted on June 10, 2019 To

    Bar Leaders Welcome New Chicago Mayor

    Leaders from 19 bar associations in Illinois pose with newly elected Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot (fourth from right, front row) at a reception held in her honor. Clifford Law Offices Communications Partner Pamela Sakowicz Menaker and President of the Catholic Lawyers Guild of Chicago (third from right, front row) had the opportunity to speak with the Mayor at the event attended by more than 1,000 lawyers and judges.

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    Posted on June 10, 2019 To

    Robert A. Clifford Named Finalist by Public Justice

    Robert A. Clifford, founder and senior partner of Clifford Law Offices, is among four finalists around the country to receive the 2019 Trial Lawyer of the Year by Public Justice, an organization that celebrates and recognizes the work of an attorney or team of attorneys working on behalf of individuals and groups that have suffered grave injustice or abuse. Clifford is being recognized for his work in the $250 million settlement in Hale v. State…

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    Posted on June 8, 2019 To

    Bob Clifford Awarded ITLA Leonard M. Ring Lifetime Achievement Award

    Robert A. Clifford, founder and Senior Partner of Clifford Law Offices, was given the Illinois Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA) Leonard M. Ring Lifetime Achievement Award on Friday, June 7, 2019 at its 47th Annual Meeting in Chicago. This award is given annually to someone selected by a committee appointed by the ITLA president. “The recipient is someone who has devoted, as Leonard did, a substantial part of their life and their practice to ITLA, has…

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