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Clifford Law Offices Files $250 Million Pre-Case Claim Against FAA and US Army in DC Plane Crash Click here to view press release and watch video statement from Robert A. Clifford.
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    Max 8 Planes Grounded for Months by Major Airlines
    Posted on April 16, 2019 To

    Max8 Planes Grounded for Months by Major Airlines

    Despite assurances from Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg that fixes to the Max aircraft will make the planes “even safer,” on April 15, 2019, United Airlines announced that it will be grounding its Max8 fleet through mid July. Boeing’s top executive apologized last week for two recent crashes of the Max8 aircraft and admitted that a software update would prevent further disasters, according to ABC Network News. The announcement by United Airlines comes on the heels…

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    Posted on April 12, 2019 To

    Carnival Cruises May Be Prevented from Docking in U.S. Ports for Environmental Violations

    A federal judge in Miami, Florida, will be ruling in June whether Carnival Cruise ships will be allowed to dock in U.S. ports because of alleged probation violations of the cruise line for dumping oil and garbage into the ocean. The cruise line has been on probation for two years as part of a record $40 million settlement for these violations. U.S. District Judge Patricia Seitz, Senior United States District Judge of the United States…

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    Posted on April 12, 2019 To

    What to Look for in a Car Accident Lawyer

    If you have been in a car accident that caused injury, or have a loved one that was in a car accident that caused injury or death, it can be devastating. Most car accidents are due to negligence – finding legal representation immediately after the accident is important because the other party might be doing the same. There are many Chicago car accident attorneys, it is critical you know if they have the knowledge and…

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    Construction Job Accident How Will I Pay My Bills If I Can't Work
    Posted on April 11, 2019 To

    Construction Job Accident – How Will I Pay My Bills if I Can’t Work?

    Construction work is physically demanding and carries the risk of serious injury. Our Chicago construction accident attorneys have represented injured construction workers in cases that range from simple to extremely complex construction accidents. One of the main concerns we hear when a construction worker has an injury is: “How will I pay my bills if I can’t work?” What most people are surprised to find out is that they may be able to seek financial recovery…

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    Posted on April 6, 2019 To

    Boeing & FAA Knew Manual Stab Trim was Unlikely at High Speed but Failed to Warn After Lion Air

    The Ethiopian government released earlier this week its preliminary report to the public for the March 10, 2019 accident involving Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302. The report included plots of the Flight Data Recorder data and a detailed time history of events including those derived from the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR). Review of these data show the MCAS automatic stabilizer trim activations occurred between 250 and 340 knots indicated airspeed (KIAS), which is on the upper…

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    Posted on April 3, 2019 To

    Chicago and San Francisco Law Firms to File Wrongful Death Lawsuit and FAA Claim on Behalf of Young American Woman, Ralph Nader’s Niece, Killed in Boeing Max8 Crash in Ethiopia

    PRESS CONFERENCE THURSDAY, 11/4/2019 AT 11 A.M. CST IN CHICAGO Clifford Law Offices of Chicago and Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy of San Francisco, internationally recognized aviation firms, filed a lawsuit on Thursday, April 4, 2019 on behalf of the family of a 24-year-old woman and U.S. citizen who was killed in the tragic crash of an Ethiopian Airlines Max8 aircraft March 10. The detailed complaint was filed in federal district court in Chicago against Boeing, manufacturer of the…

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    Even More Cancer Discovered Near Sterigenics Plant in Chicago’s Western Suburbs
    Posted on April 2, 2019 To

    Even More Cancer Discovered Near Sterigenics Plant in Chicago’s Western Suburbs

    The sad story of the toxic Sterigenics plant in west suburban Willowbrook continues with the recent discovery of an increased amount of the cancer-causing chemical in the air near the sterilization facility. Since last August when news broke that air quality monitors detected high concentrations of ethylene oxide along with higher than expected cancer rates among people in those downwind residential neighborhoods, lawsuits have attempted to hold the company accountable for its inexcusable actions. Clifford…

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    Shannon McNulty Inducted into the International Society of Barristers
    Posted on March 30, 2019 To

    Shannon McNulty Inducted into the International Society of Barristers

    Shannon M. McNulty, partner at Clifford Law Offices, has been inducted into the International Society of Barristers. Membership is by invitation only which is preceded by a rigorous screening process that considers the lawyer’s ability, experience, accomplishments and ethical standards as assessed and recommended by trial lawyers and judges. The Society places emphasis on the preservation of trial by jury and civility. McNulty heads the class action/mass tort practice area at the firm. She handles…

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    Uncontested Liability in Aeromexico Crash; Litigation Proceeds on Damages for Injured Passengers
    Posted on March 29, 2019 To

    Uncontested Liability in Aeromexico Crash; Litigation Proceeds on Damages for Injured Passengers

    Aeromexico Airlines told a federal judge on Wednesday, March 27, 2019 that it would not contest liability in the tragic incident involving 103 on board July 31 when a plane took off in heavy rain in Durango, Mexico, then crashed moments after takeoff near the runway before catching fire. Thankfully all passengers and crew survived. Clifford Law Offices represents a number of the passengers aboard, including a group from the Chicago area. Litigation is pending…

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