Bob Clifford Presents Opening Statement in "The Trial of Wyatt Earp" | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Bob Clifford Presents Opening Statement in “The Trial of Wyatt Earp”

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    Posted on April 9, 2014 To

    Robert A. Clifford, senior partner at Clifford Law Offices, presented an opening statement in defense of Wyatt Earp, lawmen of the Wild West, at an American Bar Association (ABA) all-day program entitled “An Anatomy of a Trial”. The packed room watched as Clifford, with Earp sitting next to him in costume, made his opening statement, said that Earp, as sheriff of Tombstone, along with his deputized brothers and Doc Holliday, acted in self defense at the OK Corral where a gunfight took place on Oct. 26, 1881. Earp killed a man, according to history. “It’s against the law to carry a firearm without a permit in Tombstone,” Clifford argued. “The Earps had an obligation to enforce the law, and it’s a rough and tough business.” He also pointed out that the cowboys who had broken the law were told to raise their hands and instead they drew their guns first, forcing the Earps and Holliday to act in self defense. Following the opening statement, in a panel discussion Clifford emphasized that preparation is the key to a successful opening statement. He spoke at the American Bar Association Section of Litigation Annual Meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona, where many of those attending were law school students from the area. Wyatt Earp’s trial team: (Left to right: Robert A. Clifford, Clifford Law Offices, Chicago; Paul Mark Sandler, Shapiro Sher Guinot & Sandler, Baltimore, MD, Program Chair); “Wyatt Earp,” and Julianne Farnsworth, Farnsworth Law Firm, Charleston, SC Bob Clifford at the podium: Bob Clifford delivering his opening statement to the group: Bob Clifford defending Wyatt Earp at mock trial at ABA Meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona.