Bob Clifford Speaks at ABA Roadshow on Efficiency in Motion Practice | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Bob Clifford Speaks at ABA Roadshow on Efficiency in Motion Practice

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    Posted on June 26, 2017 To

    Robert A. Clifford, founder and senior partner at Clifford Law Offices, participated in the American Bar Association’s ABA SECTION OF LITIGATION ROADSHOW 2.0 on PRECISION ADVOCACY: Reinventing Motion Practice To Win.

    A number of prominent lawyers and judges discussed how the 2015 Federal Rules Amendments promote efficiency in motion practice. The Chicago program was held June 22nd at the ABA, 321 N. Clark St., Chicago.

    These thought leaders analyzed various problems with the current practice and offer cutting-edge approaches for resolving interlocutory disputes. Also participating will be the Hon. Ruben Castillo, Chief Judge, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, and Hon. Andrea R. Wood, Hon. Jeffrey T. Gilbert and Hon. Edmond E. Chang of the Northern District of Illinois, and Hon. Jeffrey Cole, Magistrate Judge from the Northern District.

    Clifford is pictured below with fellow panelist trial attorney Lori E. Lightfoot of Mayer Brown.

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