Bob Clifford Speaks to Chicago Tribune Reporter about Malaysia Airlines Premature Legal Action | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Bob Clifford Speaks to Chicago Tribune Reporter about Malaysia Airlines Premature Legal Action

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    Posted on March 31, 2014 To

    Robert A. Clifford, senior partner at Clifford Law Offices, was quoted in Sunday’s Tribune (March 30, 2014) about possible legal action involving the mystery surrounding Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. In a story by reporter Jason Meisner, the Chicago Tribune reported about a petition being filed by another Chicago law firm against Boeing Corporation, which is based in Chicago. Clifford criticized that action given that at the time of the filing, no parts of the missing plane have been found or identified. In fact, that same firm filed a similar action in the Asiana Airlines San Francisco crash of last year and a Chicago judge dismissed it. Clifford predicted that the same would occur here regarding the “premature filing.” Clifford went on to talk about any litigation surrounding the Malaysia Airlines tragedy would occur in federal, not state, court because more than 75 victims are involved. “The harm here is now you have families reading about this in China or Malaysia and saying, ‘Wow, a judge in Chicago is going to get us some answers here,'” Clifford said. “That just isn’t going to happen.” Clifford also appeared yet again on the Gil Gross radio show in San Francisco on Monday (March 26, 2014) where he spoke to the popular radio host for more than 10 minutes on this same topic. A podcast of his appearance on KKSF radio can be heard here. To see the online version of the Chicago Tribune story, click here.