Brad Cosgrove to moderate on "Pointers and Pet Peeves" During Trial
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    Brad Cosgrove to Moderate on “Pointers and Pet Peeves” During Trial

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    Posted on October 3, 2014 To

    October 3, 2014

    Bradley M. Cosgrove, partner at Clifford Law Offices, will be moderating a panel of judges, including Judge James P. Flannery, Lorna E. Propes and James M. Varga at a Chicago Bar Association (CBA) program entitled “Overlooked Aspects of Trial: Pointers and Pet Peeves from the Bench.”

    Cosgrove, who in the past year has successfully achieved three verdicts, including what is considered the first one nationally involving the controversial Yasmin medication, was just named a 40 Under 40 Attorney to Watch by the Law Bulletin Publishing Company. He is believed to have been the youngest lawyer in Illinois to have achieved a verdict in excess of a million dollars.

    The CBA program will be held Oct. 14 from 3-6 p.m. at the CBA, 321 S. Plymouth Ct., Chicago, and offers 2.75 hours of continuing legal education credit.

    The program is sponsored by the Young Lawyers Section of the Tort Litigation Committee. Cosgrove will be joined by his Co-Chair of that committee, Kristen Lukaszak of Fisher Kanaris.

    For more information, contact the CBA at or 312-554-2056.


    For further information, please contact Clifford Law Offices’ Communications Partner Pamela Sakowicz Menaker at 847-721-0909.