Bumpy Week for Boeing's Dreamliner Ends in FAA Review of Aircraft | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Bumpy Week for Boeing’s Dreamliner Ends in FAA Review of Aircraft

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    Posted on January 14, 2013 To

    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials held a press conference Friday (1/11/2013) in Washington, D.C., where they explained the comprehensive review that was ordered of the Boeing 787 aircraft. Following a week of more problems for what has been called the next generation airplane, experts and analysts speculated on what the high priority review of the 787 design and assembly, particularly the electrical system, means. Wall Street Journal reporter Andy Pasztor told PBS New Hour Friday that the FAA’s move was “extremely unusual” and perhaps even “unprecedented in reacting to public pressure and public concerns.” He said it is “extremely significant” for Boeing as well.  Despite the FAA certifying the aircraft for flying and some 50 Dreamliners currently in use with orders for another 800 over the next several years, the review serves as a “wake up” call for the company. Pasztor explained how the aircraft is the first one that is run electrically with parts that are manufactured around the globe then brought together and assembled at Boeing. He said that making sure that all of the parts then fit together exactly as specified, involving different entities under different roofs in Boeing’s effort to save time and money, remains to be seen. He said ceding the far-flung network of subcontractors to provide parts and subsystems in a highly sophisticated, state-of-the-art airplane will be a “big test case” that the industry will be examining. Pasztor estimated that the review will take not less than several months, although the FAA has not given a timeline. To view the interview with PBS reporter Margaret Warner, visit here.