$6.825M – Kristofer S. Riddle & Nicholas T. Motherway
Plaintiff died due to catastrophic injuries suffered from a three-story fall down an elevator shaft.
Plaintiff died due to catastrophic injuries suffered from a three-story fall down an elevator shaft.
A 43-year-old woman sustained thoracic outlet syndrome as a result of the doors of a shuttle bus closing on her arm as she was boarding with her rolling suitcase.
An electrician was electrocuted and died working on a construction site due to an exposed and energized panel Plaintiff alleged he was required to work on.
A 32-year-old man sustained severe spinal cord injuries due to a diving accident. (Policy Limits)
A 68-year-old male sustained a head injury and occipital neuralgia after he was dropped out of the back of a van which was transporting him to physical therapy.
A 64-year-old warehouse worker sustained a hip fracture, that resulted in two surgeries when he was struck by a forklift.
A 25-year-old man suffered a concussion and head laceration due to a non-operating escalator that presented hazards to pedestrians.
Plaintiff was killed as a result of a bunker collapse.