Recognized leaders in personal injury and wrongful death case litigation in medical malpractice, train accidents, construction, transportation, aviation litigation, and other complex matters.
Settlement on behalf of a 49-year-old woman who developed advanced uterine cancer after a physician and hospital failed to follow-up for over 3 years on a lab result indicating a pre-cancerous condition in the uterus.
Plaintiff, a 41-year-old woman experiencing sudden onset of chest pain, suffered permanent brain injury due to failure to timely recognize the signs and symptoms for a ruptured aortic aneurysm, failure to promptly and accurately interpret a chest CT angiogram and failure to timely perform emergent cardiothoracic surgery.
A 77-year-old male suffered a global anoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and died due to failure to appropriately perfuse the patient during a cardiopulmonary bypass procedure
An infant hemorrhaged to death due to a pediatric surgeon who inappropriately performed surgery for a congenital diaphragmatic hernia and bronchopulmonary sequestration.
Clifford Law Offices obtained a record $101 million verdict on behalf of a baby who sustained brain damage at birth at West Suburban Medical Center in Oak Park. This case is the highest reported Illinois Medical Malpractice Verdict. Click here to read more about the case.