Personal Injury
Contact Us$300K-James C. Pullos
$52.5 million personal injury
Robert A. Clifford, partner at Clifford Law Offices, announced a $52.5 million settlement on behalf of eight young, female acrobats who sustained severe, life altering injuries during an aerial performance with Barnum & Bailey Circus on May 4, 2014 at the Dunkin Donuts Center in Providence, R.I.
$3.5M – James C. Pullos & Shannon M. McNulty
$1.26M – James C. Pullos
$950K – Robert A. Clifford
Plaintiff was a Chicago Police Department officer en route to a robbery in progress when Defendant’s commercial van failed to yield to his squad car and struck him. Plaintiff was diagnosed with Post-Concussion Syndrome and sustained various herniations in his lumbar spine where he will require a future back surgery.