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    Posted on December 13, 2017 To

    Clifford Law Offices Continues to Rally Against Confidentiality Clauses in Settlements

    Clifford Law Offices has long been a supporter of patients’ rights and is continually dedicated to teaching the importance of knowing one’s rights. A study was just released by Sorry Works!, a not-for-profit organization based in Edwardsville, Illinois called Don’t Gag Me… A Special Report on Confidentiality Clauses in Med-Mal Settlements that addresses what is going on with confidentiality clauses in settlements, or “gag orders” as many people refer to them. In particular, researchers there interviewed…

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    Posted on November 1, 2017 To

    Bob Clifford Writes on New Tort Recognizing Complicated Grief

    Bob Clifford wrote a piece for Chicago Lawyer on the Illinois Appellate Court recognizing a tort called complicated grief. Clifford explains the court’s distinctions in allowing certain plaintiffs to allege this new cause of action in the state. To read the article, click here.

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    Posted on October 26, 2015 To

    Winter’s Coming — What Rights do You Have to Save that Street Parking Spot You Shoveled Out?

    The Law of “Dibs” By Robert A. Clifford Reprint from the American Bar Association Litigation Journal, Fall 2015 You’re patiently waiting in your car for someone to pull out of a parking spot only to have someone come out of nowhere and zip into it without any acknowledgment that you had dibs on it. George Costanza on Seinfeld would have none of that when he stood for weeks in an empty parking spot because the…

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    Posted on April 29, 2015 To

    Sarah King Writes Article on Jurors Asking Questions

    Sarah F. King, associate at Clifford Law Offices, authored an article on “When Jurors Ask Questions” for the American Bar Association (ABA) Litigation Journal. The article, which appeared in the Spring 2015 issue that is disseminated to some 65,000 lawyers across the country, discussed the issue of Illinois now joining the ranks of nearly 40 other states that permit the use of written juror questions directed to witnesses. King explains her own experience at trial…

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    Posted on March 10, 2015 To

    Robert Clifford’s Video Deposition Advice

    Chicago personal injury attorney, Robert A. Clifford provided specific advice on preparing for a video deposition in his Chicago Lawyer article called, “Skill at Taking Depositions Brings Victories in the Courtroom.” His advice from that article was shared in a recent American Bar Association (ABA) piece titled “Video Depositions: Essentials, Resources.” In the piece Clifford is quoted as cautioning that “long pauses or frequent ‘OK’s. can become aggravating in a recording.” The ABA goes on…

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    Posted on February 16, 2015 To

    Pam Menaker Writes Article for ABA Litigation News on Professional Liability Insurance Coverage

    Pamela Sakowicz Menaker, Communications Partner at Clifford Law Offices, wrote an article for the American Bar Association Litigation News for which she serves as a Contributing Editor. The article that was published Feb. 11, 2015, dealt with the issue of professional liability insurance coverage involving a False Claims Act case. In a complex case to come out of Pennsylvania, the court discusses the issues of professional liability insurance coverage that was precluded even when the…

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    Posted on January 29, 2015 To

    Pam Menaker Authors Article on Law Firm Blogging

    Pamela Sakowicz Menaker, Communications Partner at Clifford Law Offices, authored an article in the most recent issue of the American Bar Association (ABA) Litigation Journal on whether a law firm should blog. “To Blog or Not to Blog. That’s a Question?” was published in the Winter 2015 issue of the flagship publication that is distributed to more than 70,000 members of the Section of Litigation. In the article, Menaker discusses how law blogs or “blawgs”…

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    Posted on January 29, 2015 To

    Attorney Writes Article on Whether Drug Company Failed to Warn with Label

    Pamela Sakowicz Menaker Writes Article for ABA Litigation News on New Case Dealing with Failure-to-Warn Regarding Drugs and Their Labels As a Contributing Editor of the American Bar Association (ABA) Section of Litigation News. Pamela Sakowicz Menaker, Communications Partner at Clifford Law Offices, authored an article discussing a recent case in federal district court in New Jersey that concluded “the plaintiff failed to allege a failure-to-warn claim against a drug manufacturer [who] complied with Food…

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    Posted on January 19, 2015 To

    Robert A. Clifford Speaks Up About Bankrolling Judicial Elections

    Robert A. Clifford wrote an article for the Chicago Tribune titled, “Who Bankrolls the Supreme Court?” The respected Chicago lawyer discussed the topic of bankrolling judicial elections in Illinois. He expressed that voters should be able to know all of the facts, including full disclosures of the donors who donate to the judges’ campaigns. Specifically, he wrote about the nearly $6 million contributions that were donated anonymously in 2004 to elect Illinois Supreme Court Justice…

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