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    Posted on October 26, 2017 To

    Robert A. Clifford is a Supporter of the Civil Justice Institute at UCI

    Robert A. Clifford is a proud supporter of the Civil Justice Research Institute at the University Of California, Irvine School of Law. Bob is one of the founders of the Institute. The Civil Justice Research Institute explores, through interdisciplinary, academically-based and independent research, how the civil justice system can be made more available to everyone seeking relief.

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    Posted on October 18, 2017 To

    Let Clifford Law Offices’ Experience Help You in Your Time of Need

    As the nation continues to mourn with those who were killed and the injured following the senseless shooting in Las Vegas at a country music concert, we here at Clifford Law Offices are working to try to find you answers. Questions have been raised about hotel security on the strip at Las Vegas. How could a man go for days without having his room be checked on? How was he able to get such a…

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    Posted on October 17, 2017 To

    Please Join the Efforts to Help Puerto Rico and Mexico — You are Needed!

    For weeks we have seen news accounts of the devastation in Puerto Rico following deadly Hurricane Maria as well as the horrific earthquake suffered in Mexico that left hundreds dead. We as lawyers must come together to try to do something. If we can’t make it down to those areas to help them, we can help with our financial support so that the basic needs of these people can be met. Please do all that…

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    Posted on October 3, 2017 To

    Partners at Clifford Law Offices Meet with Czech Republic Lawyers to Discuss Class Actions

    Shannon McNulty (far left), partner at Clifford Law Offices who heads the firm’s class action practice, sat down recently with a delegation from the Czech Republic, which spent 10 days in the United States to learn about class action lawsuits in America. McNulty, along with Clifford Law Offices’ partner Bradley M. Cosgrove (standing), who also handles major cases at the firm met the group. For more than an hour, McNulty reviewed the class action process…

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    Posted on October 3, 2017 To

    CLO Involved in Efforts to Help Puerto Rico

    Clifford Law Offices Managing Partner Henry R. Simmons recently met with Pedro Solar, an attorney from Puerto Rico as well as a licensed attorney in Illinois and Washington, D.C., who flew to Chicago seeking help for his hurricane-ravaged country. A task force of lawyers and Puerto Rican leaders in Illinois has been formed to begin fundraising efforts to help those in need in the American territory. Clifford Law Offices is an active part of that…

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    Posted on August 10, 2017 To

    Partner at Clifford Law Offices Testifies Before Chicago City Council on Big Price Increase on Prescribed Medications

    Shannon McNulty, a partner at Clifford Law Offices, testified before the Committee on Finance concerning the subject of excessively priced pharmaceuticals and transparency in pricing. The City of Chicago Committee on Finance, chaired by Alderman Edward Burke, proposed a resolution and ordinance concerning existing and potential City of Chicago efforts to help curtail rising prescription drug costs, for both citizens and the City of Chicago employee health plan. In her testimony, Shannon McNulty noted that…

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    Posted on July 24, 2017 To

    When You Hire Clifford Law Offices

    Need a top personal injury lawyer? Wondering how to choose the right one? Clients come to us from the Chicagoland area and throughout the nation because when you choose Clifford Law Offices: Our attorneys have the experience to protect your interests and help you seek fair compensation. We handle complex personal injury litigation, including cases of medical malpractice, wrongful death, aviation litigation, product liability, premises negligence, transportation accidents as well as consumer litigation and class action lawsuits. Learn more about Clifford…

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    Posted on July 11, 2017 To

    Richard Burke’s Favorite Fictional Character in the Legal Field: Erin Brockovich

    Richard F. Burke’s favorite fictional character is Erin Brockovich, from the movie Erin Brockovich starring Julia Roberts. Erin is an investigator for attorney Ed Masry, who helped fight against the energy corporation Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). Burke’s favorite line is when Erin, assisting at a settlement conference, says: “So before you come back here with another lame ass offer, I want you to think real hard about what your spine is worth, Mr….

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    Posted on July 6, 2017 To

    Clifford’s Corner – Summer 2017

    Robert Clifford was part of the American Bar Association Section of Litigation “The Masters of Closing Arguments” who each gave a closing argument judged by their peers. Each of the four litigators donated $10,000 and the winner’s charity was the recipient of $40,000. It was held at the Section’s Annual Meeting in San Francisco. Read more. Bob Clifford was named one of the Top 10 Leading Lawyers and one of the Top 10 Personal Injury…

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