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    Posted on June 29, 2015 To

    The “July Effect” – Is it Real? reports that researchers have found a trend that there is a spike in hospital deaths over the summer when new doctors have just started practicing. Is it real and can it be attributed to this cause? Certainly, America has been witness to many mistakes in hospitals over holidays and weekends when less experienced, less tenured staff and medical personnel are on duty. At Clifford Law Offices, we have seen even the most experienced doctor…

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    Posted on June 26, 2015 To

    Wrongful Death Lawyers in Chicago Illinois

    Wrongful Death: When a person’s death is caused by the negligent act of a wrongdoer or reckless conduct. Unlike personal injury cases where the injured person is one of the plaintiffs, in a wrongful death action or suit, the family members bring the lawsuit for the wrongful actions or negligence of a wrongdoer. Typically, the victim’s surviving spouse, children, beneficiaries or dependents who are the plaintiffs and are entitled to monetary damages that result from the…

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    Posted on June 25, 2015 To

    Is Your Medical Device Really Safe? Here are Some Stories of Which You Should Know About FDA Approval

    You Should Know Newsletter Routine Surgical Device May Spread Cancer Many surgeons use a device called a morcellator as a way to do noninvasive hysterectomy surgery. Amy Reed, a doctor herself, says the morcellator used in her 2013 hysterectomy spread cancer all over her stomach. View video. Large Portion of FDA-Approved Devices Lack Safety Evidence A recent study from the Wall Street Journal  shows the majority of moderate- to high-risk medical devices approved by the…

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    Posted on June 24, 2015 To

    Interesting Statistics You Should Know About Defective Medical Devices

    You Should Know Newsletter $133 Billion The size of the United States medical device market is expected to surpass $133 billion by 2016. At $110 billion, it is currently the largest medical device market in the world. 71% Failed A 2011 study found that 71 percent of Class I medical device recalls (those deemed most likely to cause serious adverse outcomes or death) were cleared through the FDA’s 510(k) fast-track approval process. 1,190 Recalls According…

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    Posted on June 21, 2015 To

    Fast-Track Approval of Medical Devices Called into Question

    The United States is the largest medical device market in the world with sales expected to reach $133 billion by 2016. In most cases, medical devices save and improve lives. Unfortunately, not all devices undergo the same rigorous review process before hitting the market. A number of new medical devices can and do bypass scrutiny by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) through a fast-track approval process called the 510(k) program. If a manufacturer…

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    Posted on June 18, 2015 To

    Bob Clifford Travels to London for 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta

    Robert A. Clifford, senior partner at Clifford Law Offices, traveled to London as part of an American Bar Association (ABA) trip commemorating the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta at Runnymede. Clifford participated as moderator of a panel discussion entitled, “Where Would You Try a Case? A Live Action Primer on Trial Skills in the U.S. and the U.K.” focusing on the different approaches taken in the two countries’ courts to critical…

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    Posted on June 17, 2015 To

    Bob Clifford to Appear on FOX News Chicago Tonight at 9 p.m. to Speak about CTA Bus Safety

    Robert A. Clifford, senior partner at Clifford Law Offices, was interviewed by Dane Placko, reporter for Fox News Chicago, on the important issue of safety of bus drivers in Chicago. The story became the top of the news when earlier this month a speeding Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) accordion-style bus crashed through a crosswalk and jumped a curb at the crowded intersection of Michigan Avenue and Lake Street during evening rush hour. A 51-year-old mother…

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    Posted on June 14, 2015 To

    AMA Developing Competency Testing for Aging Doctors

    The American Medical Association (AMA) is reportedly developing a plan to help decide when it’s time for aging doctors to retire. With one out of four U.S. doctors being older than age 65 numbering now 240,000, the nation’s largest organization of physicians agreed to spearhead an effort to create competency guidelines for assessing whether older physicians can continue to provide safe and effective care for their patients. According to a story by Lindsey Tanner, Association…

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    Posted on June 13, 2015 To

    Recalls are Just the Tip of the Iceberg When Buying a Car

    With all of the massive recalls going on in America among car manufacturers, it is important to be very cautious and do your homework before buying a new or used car. Here are some interesting statistics: Lemons – Approximately 1 percent of all NEW cars sold each year are lemons, but estimates vary greatly and may be low, as manufacturers are not required to report lemons. Consumer Reports collects data on more than a million…

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