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Clifford Law Offices Files $250 Million Pre-Case Claim Against FAA and US Army in DC Plane Crash Click here to view press release and watch video statement from Robert A. Clifford.
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    Posted on July 9, 2014 To

    Clifford Law Offices Files Class Action Complaint in Checked Baggage Issues Against United Airlines

    Clifford Law Offices filed a complaint this week against United Airlines in Cook County Circuit Court that alleges that United Airlines improperly favors the transportation of cargo over passenger luggage when planes approach or exceed an acceptable weight. The firm, along with Zimmerman Law Offices in Chicago, filed the complaint on behalf of Gina Spadoni who alleges that she paid an extra fee to have her bag on her flight only to find that it…

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    Posted on July 7, 2014 To

    Attorney Robert A. Clifford Pens Article on General Mills’ Attempt to Limit Customers’ Legal Options

    Robert A. Clifford, senior partner at Clifford Law Offices and monthly columnist for the Chicago Lawyer magazine, wrote his July, 2014 column entitled, “Arbitration Mandate Fails PR Test.” In this article, Clifford condemns the recent efforts of General Mills to force binding arbitration on anyone who “liked” one of its products on Facebook, downloaded a coupon, subscribed to an e-mail newsletter or simply purchased a product. Public outcry followed, so General Mills reversed their course…

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    Posted on July 7, 2014 To

    Clifford’s Notes: Arbitration Mandate Fails PR Test: General Mills Backtracks After Trying to Limit Legal Options

    July 7, 2014 Clifford’s Notes, Chicago Lawyer By Robert A. Clifford Salmonella strikes your family after they eat cookie dough ice cream. Shards of clear glass cause severe injuries when your toddler swallows it with his favorite cereal. You break your front tooth when you chomp on a piece of metal tucked in your granola bar. Foodborne illnesses and product safety are important concerns. In April, the Centers for Disease Control estimated one out of…

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    Posted on July 1, 2014 To

    Clifford Law’s Philosophy

    By Robert A. Clifford The philosophy of Clifford Law Offices is for our lawyers and our staff to provide a high level of professional services to our clients. We deal with people who are traumatized, have lost loved ones, and are in difficult circumstances where their judgment might be impaired. They need well trained, professional advice and it is my expectation that the lawyers of Clifford Law Offices provide the highest level of service that…

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    Posted on July 1, 2014 To

    Here are Some Interesting Facts on Grilling — Some May Surprise You!

    BY THE NUMBERS 14 MILLION GRILLS Americans took home 14 million new grills in 2013 alone. June and July are peak grilling months, but 60 percent of owners report grilling year-round. Source: Grilling Facts and Figures, Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association 25% WOMEN Despite the traditional view that men rule the family grill, a national survey found that 25 percent of women handle the outdoor grilling duties, up from 20 percent last year. Source: More Women Taking the…

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    Posted on June 30, 2014 To

    Summer Grilling Facts – Just in Time for the Fourth of July

    Know How to Use, Clean, and Store Your Grill Properly  Kids under five suffer 25 percent of all grill burns. Create a 3-foot “no kid” zone around your grill. Residential fires in America caused 14,700 injuries, 2,470 deaths and $12.4 billion in damages in 2012. While statistically smaller by comparison, grill fires tallied 140 injuries, 10 deaths and $96 million in property damage annually from 2007 to 2011, according to reports from the National Fire Protection…

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    Posted on June 30, 2014 To

    Robert Clifford Appointed Chair of Newly Created ABA Task Force

    June 30, 2014 Robert A. Clifford, senior partner at Clifford Law Offices, has been appointed by the President of the American Bar Association (ABA) to Chair a newly-created task force that will deal with policies, strategies and tactics for the recruitment and retention of new members. James R. Silkenat, ABA President from New York, appointed Clifford as Chair of the Task Force to Examine Association Policies Impacting Recruitment and Retention of Law Students and Young…

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    Posted on June 25, 2014 To

    Respected Malpractice Attorney Explains Tort Reform

    Clifford Law Offices partner and attorney Keith A. Hebeisen answered a number of questions regarding tort reform. He explained how those most affected by tort reform are people who have been injured by someone who is negligent and limited (or prevented) from having full compensation. “The overall objective of tort reform is to make it harder or impossible for people in companies to be held accountable when they negligently injure other people,” shared Hebeisen. The…

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    Posted on June 25, 2014 To

    How to Avoid and Handle Breaches in Your Data

    Clifford Law Offices partner and attorney, Shannon M. McNulty gave legal advice on a variety of questions regarding breaches in data in a recent interview. She advised that if you have been notified that your account has been breached, you should check all of your payment and bank accounts. You should also contact your bank and ask them to re-issue credit or debit cards so the card numbers can be disassociated with your active account….

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