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Clifford Law Offices Files $250 Million Pre-Case Claim Against FAA and US Army in DC Plane Crash Click here to view press release and watch video statement from Robert A. Clifford.
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    Posted on March 9, 2014 To

    Three Americans Confirmed On Board Malaysia Airlines Commercial Jet

    Three Americans have been confirmed among the passengers aboard Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 that has been missing since Saturday morning after it left Kuala Lumpur for Beijing, China. People from 14 countries were on the plane. As an international search crew continues to look for the aircraft, officials have told the media that a 50-year-old long-time executive for IBM from Texas is among those on the plane. Two small children, aged two and four, carrying…

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    Posted on March 9, 2014 To

    International Search for Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane Continues

    Six countries, including the United States, are part of the international search team for the missing Boeing 777-200 airliner that reportedly disappeared Saturday morning over the Gulf of Thailand with 239 passengers aboard. The plane reportedly was flying at about 35,000 feet in non-threatening weather. As air and water search crews scour the Gulf as well as the South China Sea, the issue of two passengers boarding Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 has emerged in media…

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    Posted on March 8, 2014 To

    Washington Post Reports Oil Slicks Spotted in South China Sea

    After a Malaysia Airlines commercial jet has been missing for hours, air and water search crews from several countries were dispatched and reportedly a Vietnamese government statement was issued that said it has spotted two large oil slicks in the South China Sea. The Washington Post released a story that said Vietnamese air force planes spotted the two large oil slicks off the southern tip of its country. It quoted Associated Press reports that these…

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    Posted on March 8, 2014 To

    Boeing Tweets on Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight

    Boeing Airlines has sent out a second tweet on the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 that reportedly was lost somewhere over Vietnam air space heading to China overnight. The plane was a Boeing 777-200ER, according to reports. “Our team is assembled for technical assistance on MH370. Our thoughts remain with all on board & their families,” Boeing tweeted, as boats were rushing to try to find the plane in the South China Sea. Reuters news…

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    Posted on March 8, 2014 To

    Malaysia Airlines Plane Headed to Beijing Carrying 239 People Missing

    A Malaysia Airlines flight carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew members is missing hours after it lost contact with air traffic control and a search-and-rescue effort is underway, officials are reporting. Flight MH370 was scheduled to land in Beijing at 6:30 a.m. Saturday after taking off from Malaysia’s capital of Kuala Lumpur, but it never arrived, media reports say. It departed at 12:41 a.m. and lost contact about two hours later, officials are reporting. Officials…

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    Posted on March 6, 2014 To

    “The Durkin Bunch”

    Kevin Durkin, partner at Clifford Law Offices, and his seven brothers are referred to in the legal community as the “The Durkin Bunch”.

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    Posted on March 4, 2014 To

    More Snow? Who Should be Shoveling?

    Time and again, the question has come up during this harsh Chicago winter as to whose responsibility it is to shovel the sidewalk in front of your home or business. In 2008, Robert Clifford, senior partner at Clifford Law Offices, wrote a column on “To Shovel or Not to Shovel,” in the January issue of the Chicago Lawyer magazine. With the near record breaking snow totals for the winter of 2013­-14 and up to…

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    Posted on March 4, 2014 To

    Keith Hebeisen to Speak on Medical Malpractice at Illinois State Bar Conference

    Keith Hebeisen, partner at Clifford Law Offices, has been invited to speak at the Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA) conference.

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    Posted on March 3, 2014 To

    Target, Nieman Marcus and now Michaels

    Now comes word that Michaels, the country’s largest arts and crafts store, apparently has experienced a credit card breach of its customers across its more than 1,200 stores. Michaels issued a statement that it “recently learned of possible fraudulent activity on some U.S. payment cards that had been used at Michaels, suggesting that the Company may have experienced a data security attack.” When will this ever come to an end? Retailers are aware that hackers…

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