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Clifford Law Offices Files $250 Million Pre-Case Claim Against FAA and US Army in DC Plane Crash Click here to view press release and watch video statement from Robert A. Clifford.
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    Posted on April 6, 2020 To

    Lawyering in the Time of Coronavirus – Interview with Tracy Brammeier

    The Young Lawyers Section (YLS) of The Chicago Bar Association started a video blog (Vlog) series called “Lawyering in the Time of Coronavirus” that will showcase many of its members. The second in the series features YLS Second Vice Chair, Tracy Brammeier, Associate at Clifford Law Offices. Lawyers are navigating practicing law while social distancing and are finding creative solutions to do so. In this video, Tracy talks about her work from home setup, her biggest…

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    How are Students Faring in this Pandemic_
    Posted on April 4, 2020 To

    How Are Students Faring in This Pandemic?

    As many fret over how to home school their children, a task that many parents admit they have never done, educators across the country – from pre-kindergarten through college – are trying to figure out how to handle a school year suddenly interrupted by the coronavirus pandemic. Colleges and universities have canceled graduation and commencement ceremonies, typically held in May or June. It is assumed that each student who has successfully matriculated will receive a…

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    Shopping Safely for Groceries in a Pandemic
    Posted on April 3, 2020 To

    Shopping Safely for Groceries in a Pandemic

    Throughout these weeks and months of the pandemic, Americans have experienced grocery shopping to escalate from panic buying to waiting in line six feet apart while many stores limit the number of shoppers at the same time. Grocery shopping has remained one of the few exceptions to the shelter-in-place orders. Many folks, particularly the elderly, have opted for groceries to be delivered, which many large food chains are offering. Carry out from restaurants has saved…

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    brad cosgrove quote 2020
    Posted on April 2, 2020 To

    Clifford Law Offices Partner Bradley Cosgrove: Helping Victims of Personal Injury

    Bradley Cosgrove, partner at Clifford Law Offices, was inspired to help victims of personal injury at a very young age. When he was 10 years old, his parents were hit by a truck and suffered very serious injuries. Brad watched his parents work to navigate through the legal system, fighting a large trucking company that would not take responsibility for the careless actions of its driver. His earliest memory of a courtroom dates back to…

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    Sarah King Helps Start Virtual Food Drive to Help Those in Need
    Posted on March 31, 2020 To

    Clifford Law Partner Helps Start Virtual Food Drive to Help Those in Need

    In lieu of its annual Women’s Caucus service project, the Illinois Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA) is sponsoring a Virtual Food Drive to benefit the Chicago Great Food Depository and the Central Illinois Food Bank. Sarah F. King, Chair of the ITLA Women’s Caucus and Partner at Clifford Law Offices, initiated the thoughtful deed in this stressful time of coronavirus. Every donation to the virtual food drive provides nourishing food for those at risk of hunger. Thanks to the Food Depository’s buying power,…

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    Webcast on How to Manage Stress in the Legal Profession
    Posted on March 30, 2020 To

    Webcast on How to Manage Stress in the Legal Profession

    Erin Clifford, partner at Clifford Law Offices, will be speaking on “Real Solutions to Attorney Wellness: Stress in the Legal Profession.” She will offer real solutions on how to help attorneys thrive personally and professionally amid levels of stress, anxiety, fatigue, and burnout. Given the uncertain time that we find ourselves in, this is the perfect opportunity to embrace a healthier lifestyle. The one-hour webcast, sponsored by the Chicago Bar Association, will be offered Thursday,…

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    Boosting Wellness and Managing Stress During Quarantine
    Posted on March 26, 2020 To

    Boosting Wellness and Managing Stress During Quarantine with Erin Clifford

    Erin Clifford, Partner at Clifford Law Offices, will provide a complimentary webinar on how to boost your wellness and manage stress during quarantine. The event, hosted by DePaul University College of Law, will be held on Monday, April 6, 2020 at noon – 1 p.m. (CT). Erin Clifford has a deep appreciation for health and wellness, and is an experienced wellness coach. She will cover how to create a daily schedule, how to exercise at…

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    Clifford Law Offices Leading Lawyers and Emerging Lawyers 2020
    Posted on March 25, 2020 To

    Ten Chicago Attorneys Named as Leading Lawyers and Eight as Emerging Lawyers for 2020

    Ten Clifford Law Offices attorneys have been named as Leading Lawyers by Law Bulletin Media, and an additional eight attorneys were named as Emerging Lawyers for 2020. “Less than 5% of all lawyers licensed in each state have received the distinction of Leading Lawyer,” states Leading Lawyers on their website. “Less than 2% of all lawyers licensed in each state have received the distinction of Emerging Lawyer.” The following ten Clifford Law Offices attorneys have…

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    Clifford Law Offices COVID-19
    Posted on March 20, 2020 To

    How We Are Handling Current and Prospective Cases During COVID-19

    Our approach to contact you may be different – due to the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, but our focus to help clients in need remains the same. We have compiled some resources to help our clients during this time. You can view our COVID-19 Client Resources page by clicking here. Know If You Have A Case From Home The team at Clifford Law Offices wants to ensure our clients and prospective clients that we are…

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