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Clifford Law Offices Files $250 Million Pre-Case Claim Against FAA and US Army in DC Plane Crash Click here to view press release and watch video statement from Robert A. Clifford.
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    Posted on January 18, 2022 To

    Common Causes of Aviation Accidents

    Aviation accident law covers both major air carriers (commercial airlines) and general aviation accidents. General aviation includes charter flights, small planes, pleasure crafts, large business jets, helicopters, and hang gliders. It is a combination of personal injury and wrongful death litigation that involves complex aviation laws, regulations, and international treaties. It is so intricate that only a select group of lawyers practice aviation law.  In the last 40+ years, Clifford Law Offices has represented victims…

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    Electric Scooter Safety Concerns in Chicago
    Posted on January 12, 2022 To

    Electric Scooter Safety Concerns in Chicago

    As cities adopt fleets of publicly shared e-scooters and bikes to increase transportation accessibility, concerns over riders’ and pedestrians’ safety also continue to rise.  According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), emergency room visits due to e-scooter, e-bikes, hoverboards and other micro-mobility products have increased 70% since 2018, with more than one third of those visits due to head injuries. Municipalities nationwide have struggled with the regulation of these products and their riders. There…

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    Clifford Law and Hart Law Firm Obtain $5.6 Million Verdict in Mesothelioma Case Against Amoco and US Steel Following Month-Long Trial in Cook County Circuit Court
    Posted on December 14, 2021 To

    Clifford Law and Hart Law Firm Obtain $5.6 Million Verdict in Mesothelioma Case Against Amoco and US Steel Following Month-Long Trial in Cook County Circuit Court

    On December 14, 2021, Clifford Law Offices and the Hart Law Firm of South Carolina obtained a $5.6 million verdict on behalf of a 56-year-old man who died from mesothelioma after working as an insulating contractor on several work sites involving major American corporations. The jury deliberated 12 hours before determining two defendants to be at fault. James C. Pullos, partner at Clifford Law Offices, along with Patrick F. Bradley, Of Counsel at the firm,…

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    In An Accident with a Large Construction Vehicle or Construction Equipment
    Posted on December 13, 2021 To

    In an Accident with a Large Construction Vehicle or Construction Equipment?

    Construction workers create better futures for their communities as they create new schools, roads, homes, office complexes, and so much more. Every day on a construction site, a worker uses complex machinery, sometimes high up on scaffolding and in grueling weather. Whether it’s a bulldozer, crane, or other operating machinery, construction workers must ensure these pieces of equipment get used carefully and that everyone follows the correct safety procedures. Tragically, construction worksite accidents do happen….

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    Clifford Law Offices Obtains 7 Million Settlement for Pedestrian Struck by Vehicle
    Posted on December 8, 2021 To

    Clifford Law Offices Obtains $7 Million Settlement for Pedestrian Struck by Vehicle

    Robert A. Clifford obtained a $7 million settlement (Tuesday, 12/7/2021) on behalf of a 58-year-old woman who was struck by a vehicle while in a crosswalk. She suffered complex pelvic fractures and a moderate traumatic brain injury that require future caretaking and therapy. The woman was thrown about 30 feet after the vehicle struck her while making a left-hand turn at an intersection in 2018. The settlement comes on the heels of the firm obtaining…

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    What is Considered Personal Injury Law
    Posted on November 19, 2021 To

    What is Considered Personal Injury Law?

    Personal injury law allows an injured person to sue in a private action called a civil action, known in the legal community as a tort action. A “tort” is a wrong against a person. Any accident or injury (physical, emotional, and psychological) against a person can constitute a tort – whether it be in a car accident, the use of a product, or the negligence of a professional. If the person is injured, they (or…

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    Halloween Safety Tips
    Posted on October 26, 2021 To

    Halloween Safety Tips

    Innocent Halloween fun can be full of hidden dangers. While keeping an eye out for ghosts and ghouls this year, pay attention to these other factors that might put your family at risk. Halloween Costume Safety Children are ecstatic to select a Halloween costume each year and dress up as their favorite characters, but there are several things to keep in mind as you plan out your Halloween wear: Select costumes that are made of…

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    Clifford Law Offices Files Seven Lawsuits Against Amtrak and BNSF Rail Company in September 25th Derailment; Law Firm Intends to Challenge Unfair Arbitration Clause
    Posted on October 4, 2021 To

    Clifford Law Offices Files Seven Lawsuits Against Amtrak and BNSF Rail Company in September 25th Derailment; Law Firm Intends to Challenge Unfair Arbitration Clause

    On Monday, October 4, 2021, Clifford Law Offices filed separate lawsuits on behalf of seven injured passengers in the September 25th derailment in Montana against Amtrak and the BNSF Railway Company that owns and maintains the tracks, an area that has become a key focus in the investigation of this tragedy. The Empire Builder line headed from Chicago to Seattle derailed Saturday afternoon near Joplin, Montana, leaving three people dead and dozens injured. Clifford Law…

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    How Long Does It Take to Resolve a Truck Accident Case_2
    Posted on September 20, 2021 To

    How Long Does It Take to Resolve a Truck Accident Case?

    Collisions involving semi-trucks or other large commercial vehicles can be devastating, both to the actual vehicles and to the people inside them. Most often in these types of truck accidents, the passenger vehicle and its occupants suffer the most damage. If you are in an accident with a commercial truck and believe the driver of that vehicle to be responsible, you have the right to file a lawsuit against that person, the trucking company, and…

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