CBS Chicago 10 pm News Report on Clifford Law Case of Autistic Child Beaten by Aide Highly Watched on TV and Online -- See it Here | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    CBS Chicago 10 pm News Report on Clifford Law Case of Autistic Child Beaten by Aide Highly Watched on TV and Online — See it Here

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    Posted on May 12, 2018 To

    On Friday, May 11th at 10 p.m., CBS 2 Investigator Dave Savini reported on the case of a partially verbal autistic nine-year-old boy who was repeatedly slapped and hit by a bus aide over a period of months who was given the responsibility of safely getting children to and from school.

    Appalling video reveals how the bus aide, who was convicted in criminal court in DuPage County, taunted and even slapped the child who was unable to communicate for months because of his autistic condition.

    Video also reveals how the bus driver verbally threatened to throw the child off the bus and urged the bus aide to strike him. His mother requested that video be pulled off of the bus after her son’s behavior changed, and he was terrified to get on the bus.

    Tapes downloaded from the bus showed how the aide, along with the school bus driver from First Student, mistreated the boy. The aide stood misdemeanor charges in DuPage County where she was found guilty on the counts she was charged with.

    The bus driver pled guilty to a disorderly conduct charge brought by the City of Naperville. Both were fired from the company.

    Clifford Law Offices along with Krzak Rundio Law Group filed a lawsuit to get to the bottom of what occurred so it will not happen to other helpless students in the Naperville school district and elsewhere.

    Click here to watch the the CBS 2 news report.