Charles Haskins Favorite Fictional Legal Character | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Charles Haskins Favorite Fictional Legal Character

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    Posted on June 22, 2018 To

    Attorney-Charles-R-Haskins.jpgCharles Haskins’ favorite fictional legal character is lawyer and former district attorney Paul Biegler (played by James Stewart) from the movie Anatomy of a Murder.

    Charles’ favorite line from the movie came from Paul Biegler’s colleague, Parnell Emmett McCarthy, who drunkenly states on juries:

    “Twelve people go off into a room: twelve different minds, twelve different hearts, from twelve different walks of life; twelve sets of eyes, ears, shapes, and sizes. And these twelve people are asked to judge another human being as different from them as they are from each other. And in their judgment, they must become of one mind – unanimous. It’s one of the miracles of Man’s disorganized soul that they can do it, and in most instances, do it right well. God bless juries.”