Chuck Haskins Moderating CBA Seminar on Trial Preparation and Presentation | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Chuck Haskins Moderating CBA Seminar on Trial Preparation and Presentation

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    Posted on October 23, 2017 To

    Charles-R-Haskins.jpgCharles R. Haskins, associate at Clifford Law Offices and Chair of the Chicago Bar Association Young Lawyers Tort Litigation Committee, will be moderating a program on Trial Preparation and Presentation at the CBA.

    The program will be presented 3-6 p.m. Wed., Nov. 1, and will cover 12 topics on various issues from pre-trial and client preparation to appellate issues. It offers 2.75 hours of Illinois continuing legal education credit.

    Haskins was on the trial team that recently received a $4.5 million record verdict in DuPage County on behalf of an injured woman. For further information or to register, go to

    For further information, contact Clifford Law Offices’ Communications Partner Pamela Sakowicz Menaker at 847-721-0909.