Clifford Law Offices’ Brad Cosgrove Organizes YLS CBA Seminar on Dispositive Motions
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    Clifford Law Offices’ Brad Cosgrove Organizes YLS CBA Seminar on Dispositive Motions

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    Posted on January 3, 2014 To

    January 3, 2014

    Bradley Cosgrove, partner at Clifford Law Offices, has organized a three-hour seminar on Dispositive Motions set for Thursday January 9, 2014 which features three active judges from the Law Division of the Cook County Circuit Court.

    The Hon. Moira Johnson will speak regarding 735 ILCS 2-615 Motions to Dismiss, Hon. William Gomolinski will discuss 735 ILCS 2-619 Motions to Dismiss, and Hon. James O’Hara will address Motions for Summary Judgment.

    Sponsored by the Chicago Bar Association (CBA), Cosgrove organized the seminar as Co-Chair of the Torts Committee of the Young Lawyers Section of the CBA. “The program is a good opportunity for all attorneys to learn how judges think about dispositive motions,” Cosgrove said.

    The free program is offered at the CBA offices on Plymouth Court. CBA members are entitled to CLE credit for attendance.

    For further information, please contact Brad Cosgrove at 312-899-9090 or Clifford Law Offices’ Communications Partner Pamela Sakowicz Menaker at 847-251-4877 or 847-721-0909.