Clifford Law Offices Files Complaint for Woman Killed by CTA Bus | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Clifford Law Offices Files Complaint for Woman Killed by CTA Bus

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    Posted on June 9, 2015 To

    Chicago based personal injury law firm, Clifford Law Offices, has filed a wrongful death complaint on behalf of the family of Aimee Coath who was killed last Tuesday, June 2nd by a Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) bus. The fifty-one year old woman from Flossmoor, Illinois was struck by a CTA bus that, according to reports, ran a red light during rush hour and moved swiftly in an uncontrolled way through a crosswalk and sidewalk packed full of pedestrians. The CTA bus finally crashed into a concrete wall at Michigan Avenue and Lake Street.

    The complaint was filed today in Cook County Circuit Court. The lawsuit alleges that the CTA bus driver failed to control his bus in total disregard for a red light, plus the driver exceeded the speed limit. The Chicago Transit Authority and the bus driver are named defendants in the case. Coath’s two surviving adult children, Elaine and John Wilson are the plaintiffs in the matter. The attorneys at Clifford Law Offices have an expansive amount of experience against the Chicago Transit Authority. Cases including a $24.14 million verdict on behalf of the family of a boy who was stuck and left permanently brain damaged by a CTA bus in Chicago in 1991. It was notable at the time as the largest damage award in the state of Illinois. For more up to date information regarding this case and the recent CTA bus crash tragedy visit our personal injury blog.