Clifford Law Offices Files Lawsuit in Death of 14 Year Old Killed at Fuller’s Car Wash
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    Clifford Law Offices Files Lawsuit in Death of 14 Year Old Killed at Fuller’s Car Wash

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    Clifford Law Offices Files Lawsuit in Death of 14 Year Old Killed at Fuller’s Car Wash

    Clifford Law Offices filed a lawsuit on December 13, 2023, on behalf of the family of a 14-year-old boy who was killed on July 17, 2023, when an employee of a Hinsdale car wash rapidly accelerated while exiting the car wash, hitting the boy on a sidewalk and crashing into a sandwich shop across the street.

    Bradley M. Cosgrove and Charles R. Haskins, partners at Clifford Law Offices, filed the lawsuit on behalf of Brian and Kristine Richards, parents of Sean Richards, against the entities who owned and managed the car wash and other employees.

    Sean Richards had just graduated from St. Isaac Jogues grammar school and planned to attend Benet Academy as a freshman. Sean was taken emergently to a local Hinsdale Hospital and was pronounced dead three days later after being transferred to the University of Chicago. His death created an outpouring of support and love from the community.

    The parents of Sean Richards made a statement at a press conference on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, along with their attorneys, Bradley M. Cosgrove and Charles R. Haskins, partners at Clifford Law Offices.

    The press conference was held on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, at 11 a.m. CT at 120 N. LaSalle St., 36th floor, Chicago.

    “This unspeakable tragedy cut short the life of a young man who had so much promise in this world. This holiday season will be particularly difficult for the Richards family,” Cosgrove said. “There must be accountability for what occurred, not only for Sean and his family but for everyone who frequents that area in Hinsdale. This lawsuit sends a message to all business owners that safety must come first.”

    The crash occurred about 2:30 p.m. on a sunny day when the Jeep exited the car wash in a busy downtown Hinsdale area, struck the young boy on the sidewalk, crossed two lanes of traffic before slamming into Fontano’s Deli and Subs, 9 S. Lincon St., injuring several others. Sean Richards was walking on the sidewalk heading to the local library when the speeding Jeep plowed into him.

    For further information, please contact Clifford Law Offices Communications Partner Pamela Sakowicz Menaker at 847-721-0909 (cell).
