Clifford Law Offices' Part of Legal Team that Files Class Action Against Target for Breach of Privacy for Stolen Debit and Credit Card Info for 110 Million Consumers | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Clifford Law Offices’ Part of Legal Team that Files Class Action Against Target for Breach of Privacy for Stolen Debit and Credit Card Info for 110 Million Consumers

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    Posted on January 13, 2014 To

    Clifford Law Offices is part of the legal team that filed a class action lawsuit a week ago against Target for its negligent mishandling of its customers’ credit and debit card information during the peak holiday shopping season. More than three weeks after Target discovered that the data had been mishandled, Target admitted that 40 million people had their credit card and encrypted debit card info stolen during the time between Black Friday and the second week of December. Target’s data security was allegedly breached by fraudsters, which resulted in Theft, according to statements made by Target officials to the press. USA Today broke the story three weeks ago on Dec. 19th, detailing the dangers of identity theft and what exactly had been stolen from Target’s databases. Several other class action lawsuits have been filed across the country in various jurisdictions. After initially reporting 40 million and then 70 million customers, Target yesterday revealed as many as 110 million customers are impacted by the recent hacking, which included name, address, credit/debit card number, phone number and email address. If you made a purchase at Target between those dates with a debit or credit card, your private information may be compromised. Please contact Clifford Law Offices to find out more about what you should do to try to protect your financial information and your personal identity. To read more as reported in the Dec. 19 USA Today story, click here.