Clifford Law Offices Speaks Out With One of its Clients Whose Identity Was Stolen
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    Clifford Law Offices Speaks Out With One of its Clients Whose Identity Was Stolen

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    Posted on September 13, 2013 To

    September 13, 2013

    Leah Hope speaks to the Cooks for an ABC Channel 7 interview on Advocate Medical

    Clifford Law Offices has filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of a couple from Chicago’s south suburbs who apparently have been the victims of identity theft in the past few weeks.

    Jason and Marquita Cook are plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit filed by Clifford Law Offices against Advocate Medical, a company whose offices reportedly were burglarized in Park Ridge in July and four computers holding more than four million patients’ names and private information including Social Security numbers were taken. The computers were not encrypted, which means the information on them was not secured with passwords or other protective measures that prevents unknown users access to the information. Advocate is sending out letters to these patients and the Cooks were among the recipients of these letters.

    CLO Partner Shannon McNulty explains the class action filing against Advocate Medical to Channel 7’s Leah Hope

    Leah Hope, news reporter for ABC-7 Chicago, told the story of the Cooks and how concerned they are that Advocate waited weeks before alerting them of the alleged theft. In August, some 11 new unauthorized cell phone accounts were opened in the Cooks’ name, one of them being opened at a store just down the street from where the alleged burglary occurred.

    “It’s shocking and nerve wracking,” Jason told the reporter. He also expressed concerns about the couple’s credit future.

    If you have been a victim of the negligence of Advocate Medical, you can sign up to be a part of the legal action.