Clifford Law Offices Successful in All Five Jury Trials Since They Resumed After COVID Halt
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    Clifford Law Offices Successful in All Five Jury Trials Since They Resumed After COVID Halt

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    Posted on December 22, 2021 To
    Clifford Law Offices Successful in All Five Jury Trials Since They Resumed After COVID Halt

    Clifford Law Offices has taken five cases to trial since the courts have carefully re-opened to jury trials in the pandemic, and the firm’s track record is batting 1,000.

    In the five trials since June of 2021, the attorneys at the firm have achieved a verdict in favor of the plaintiffs in all five cases. Those cases are:

    • Bradley Cosgrove, partner at Clifford Law Offices, obtained an $18.15 million verdict on behalf of a teenager who was struck by a truck and suffered brain damage while he stood on the side of the road fixing his vehicle (Dec. 6, 2021)
    • James Pullos and Patrick Bradley obtained a $5.6 million verdict on behalf of the estate of a 56-year-old insulating contractor who died from mesothelioma at United States Steel and BP Amoco construction sites (Dec. 14, 2021)
    • Bradley Cosgrove and Charles R. Haskins obtained a $3.35 million verdict in DuPage County against a neurologist who negligently treated a brain tumor in a 33-year-old woman as migraines (June 25, 2021)
    • Keith Hebeisen and Sarah F. King obtained a $1.1 million verdict in Rockford on behalf of the estate of a 75-year-old man who died following a negligent catheterization procedure (June 5, 2021)
    • Robert Walsh who obtained a $128,622 verdict in a rear-end crash in Streamwood that resulted in injuries (Oct. 28, 2021)

    All of us at Clifford Law Offices are proud of its achievements at a very difficult time for everyone and are most grateful to those jurors who took time off to see that justice was done. The court systems in the various counties also are to be commended for their work in seeing that proper safety measures were taken in order to protect all of the people involved in seeing the cases to verdict.