Robert A. Clifford and Kevin P. Durkin, partners at Clifford Law Offices in Chicago, are in Tel Aviv, Israel, working on the cases involving the crash of a Boeing 737 MAX in Ethiopia in 2019.
Clifford, founder and senior partner at the firm and Lead Counsel of the litigation against Boeing in federal district court in Chicago, are traveling around the world taking depositions of many of their 70 clients from 35 countries.
Earlier this month, the legal team traveled to Kenya to take depositions of crash victims’ family members in Africa.

John Kalantzis, associate at Clifford Law Offices, standing with partners (seated) Bob Clifford (masked) and Kevin Durkin.

The Clifford legal team using the most sophisticated state-of-the-art equipment to pursue this complex litigation as trial nears.

Robert A. Clifford working on the cases involving the crash of a Boeing 737 MAX in Ethiopia in 2019.