Clifford Law Offices Working for You – Staying Safe and Healthy
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    Clifford Law Offices Working for You – Staying Safe and Healthy

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    Posted on March 18, 2020 To
    Clifford Law Offices Working for You – Staying Safe and Healthy

    In these unprecedented times of crisis, Clifford Law Offices remains committed to putting its clients first. As government officials recommend social distancing, limitation of in-person meetings and travel, and practicing self-quarantine, we are adjusting how we go about the practice of law. Out of an abundance of caution to our employees and to the public, the leadership of the firm decided this past weekend it was best for now that all employees work from their homes. The firm was properly prepared to have its office fully operational on a remote basis.

    Our technology allows the firm to be in contact with each other, to be in contact with clients and to continue working on their behalf. Our highly skilled technology staff allows for the confidentiality of client information with all security measures in place while allowing full access for those working on your files. Although lawyers and staff are working uninterrupted remotely, our fully equipped virtual desktop infrastructure permits our entire staff to handle all matters that arise, despite the courts throughout the State of Illinois and across the Nation being closed for the upcoming month and possibly longer. Most courts have now extended the discovery deadlines, so we expect some delays with depositions and hearings, but many judges are hosting video teleconference hearings and adjusting to these changing times.

    I’m pleased to report that our expert witnesses still are hard at work reviewing files, interrogatories are being answered, motions are being drafted, cases are being filed and telephone calls are being routed to lawyers and support staff. We are using all means of communication necessary to ensure that your case is moving forward. Should you need to contact your assigned lawyer, please call him or her at 312-899-9090 or 800-899-0410 or email them directly. Email addresses, should you not have them already, are on the firm’s website at The dropdown bar under Attorneys has all the contact details.

    We also continue to review and accept new cases. Please go to the firm’s website and fill out an intake form at us/. Consultations with a lawyer at Clifford Law Offices are free.

    Clifford Law Offices will continue to work hard on your cases. We understand how much the matter you’ve entrusted to us means to you. We will continue to strive to resolve your case quickly and efficiently as possible given the trying circumstances. If you have any concerns, please feel free to reach out to us. We will keep you informed of any updates necessitated by the CDC during these dynamically changing times. And please stay safe, keep your family healthy and know that this will pass in time.

    Very truly yours and best wishes,

    Robert A. Clifford