Clifford's Corner - Summer 2017 | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Clifford’s Corner – Summer 2017

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    Posted on July 6, 2017 To

    Robert Clifford was part of the American Bar Association Section of Litigation “The Masters of Closing Arguments” who each gave a closing argument judged by their peers. Each of the four litigators donated $10,000 and the winner’s charity was the recipient of $40,000. It was held at the Section’s Annual Meeting in San Francisco. Read more.

    Bob Clifford was named one of the Top 10 Leading Lawyers and one of the Top 10 Personal Injury Lawyers in the state.

    The 23rd Annual Clifford Symposium on Tort Law and Social Policy was held at DePaul University on “The Impact of Dark Money on Judicial Elections and Judicial Behavior.” The free two-day program gathered two dozen academics and judges from around the country who spoke on the challenges of big money judicial campaigns.

    Robert Clifford was selected to be on the Board of the National Advocacy Institute, the University of Buffalo Law School’s initiative to train students to become the best advocates in the profession.