Craig Squillace to Speak About the Prompt Pay Statute at Trial Lawyers' Seminar | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Craig Squillace to Speak About the Prompt Pay Statute at Trial Lawyers’ Seminar

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    Posted on March 21, 2014 To

    Craig Squillace, associate trial attorney at Clifford Law Offices, will be a featured speaker at the Illinois Trial Lawyers’ Association (ITLA) all-day seminar on Settlements, Liens and Technology, which will be held April 5th at the Oak Brook Hills Resort in Illinois.

    Squillace, who has numerous years of law experience in vehicular accident cases, will be discussing the Prompt Pay Statute, 735 ILCS 5/2-2301. This is a law that Senior Partner at Clifford Law Offices, Robert Clifford, took the lead in informing state legislators about the issue of the delay in clients getting paid by insurance companies. The new law now has certain criteria, deadlines and provisions for prompter payment to victims of negligence.

    Other topics discussed by other law professionals at the ITLA seminar will include mediation, pre-suit settlements, presenting economic damages, and more. The Settlements, Liens and Technology Seminar has been approved for 3.75 Illinois MCLE hours.

    The ITLA seminar will be held Saturday, April 5, 2014 from 8:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Oak Brook Hills Resort, 3500 Midwest Rd., in Oak Brook.  Prices will be $130.00 for ITLA members; $85.00 for Judges, full-time Law Prof., Legislators, full-time Public Agency Attys., Paralegals, new bar admittees (11/13); $55 for law students; and $300 for non ITLA members.

    To register, contact ITLA at 800-252-8501 or visit their site by clicking here.