Craig Squillace to Speak at Trial Lawyers’ Seminar
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    Craig Squillace to Speak at Trial Lawyers’ Seminar

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    Posted on February 21, 2014 To

    February 21, 2014

    Craig Squillace, attorney at Clifford Law Offices, has been invited to speak at the Illinois Trial Lawyers’ Association (ITLA) all-day seminar on Settlements, Liens and Technology.

    Squillace, who handles motor vehicle accident cases in particular at the firm over the years, will be talking about the Prompt Pay Statute, 735 ILCS 5/2-2301, a law in which senior partner Robert Clifford took the lead in informing state legislators about the issue of the delay in clients getting paid by insurance companies. The new law now has certain criteria, deadlines and provisions for prompter payment to victims of negligence.

    The ITLA seminar will be held Saturday, April 5, at the Oak Brook Hills Resort, 3500 Midwest Rd., in Oak Brook. It is offering 3.75 hours of continuing legal education credit.

    To register, contact ITLA at 800-252-8501 or register online at