Craig Squillace Spoke at ITLA Seminar on Ethics and Social Media
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    Craig Squillace Spoke at Trial Lawyers Seminar on Ethics and Social Media

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    Posted on March 14, 2023 To
    Craig Squillace Spoke at Trial Lawyers Seminar on Ethics and Social Media

    Craig J. Squillace, partner at Clifford Law Offices, spoke at the annual Illinois Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA) Ethics & Professionalism Seminar on “Ethical Considerations with Social Media.” Squillace, who has been at the firm for more than 20 years, has worked on numerous cases, particularly involving vehicular crashes, an area that can lead to clients utilizing social media.

    The half-day conference, which also touched on subjects including “Ethics in the Zoom Era” and “Ethical Considerations During Negotiations,” was held March 31 at the Hilton Oak Brook Hills Resort, 3500 Midwest Rd., Oak Brook. The program provided 4.0 hours of ethics or general continuing legal education (CLE) credit to attendees.

    For more information about events, contact ITLA at 800-252-8501 or visit ITLA online.

    Craig Squillace Speaks at 2023 ITLA Ethics & Professionalism Seminar

    Craig Squillace Speaks at 2023 ITLA Ethics & Professionalism Seminar