CLO Files Lawsuit Against Companies Responsible for Negligent Demolition of Smokestack in Chicago’s Little Village Neighborhood
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    Clifford Law Offices Files Lawsuit Against Companies Responsible for Negligent Demolition of Smokestack in Chicago’s Little Village Neighborhood

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    Posted on April 15, 2020 To
    Clifford Law Offices Files Lawsuit Against Companies Responsible for Negligent Demolition of Smokestack in Chicago’s Little Village Neighborhood

    Virtual Press Conference on April 15, 2020, at 5:30 P.M. Watch here.

    On Wednesday, April 15, 2020, Clifford Law Offices filed a lawsuit against the companies responsible for the negligent demolition of a smokestack in Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood Saturday that created a hazardous massive plume of smoke that covered the entire neighborhood.

    Kathryn Ramirez-Mercado, resident of Little Village who lives just yards from the property line of the Crawford coal plant, suffers from asthma and said that she is afraid to go outside with the dust all over her property and the entire area, particularly in light of the coronavirus pandemic that has compromised so many people.

    Clifford Law Offices, along with Frank Avila of Avila Law Group, is believed to have filed the first action against Hilco Redevelopment in Northbrook as well as others responsible for the highly criticized non-emergency demolition of a structure that was imploded Saturday morning. Among the counts of the complaint filed in Cook County Circuit Court include failing to properly manage, maintain and control the demolition of the concrete smokestack at 3501 S. Pulaski Rd., Chicago.

    “Nothing was done to make sure that the smoke was contained on their property,” Ramirez-Mercado said. “Nothing was done to minimize the effect of this hazardous material to not flow to all of us surrounding this plant.”

    Clifford Law Offices held a live virtual press conference at 5:30 p.m. April 15, 2020. For more information, contact Communications Partner Pamela Sakowicz Menaker at 847-721-0909.


    1. Legal Complaint Document
    2. Statement of Kathryn Ramirez-Mercado
    3. Photo of Demolition
    4. Additional Photo of Demolition
    5. Press Conference Footage