Using Some Electronic Devices Will Be Allowed During Take-Offs and Landings | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Using Some Electronic Devices Will Be Allowed During Take-Offs and Landings

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    Posted on November 1, 2013 To

    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) decided that it will begin lifting restrictions on the use of some portable electronic devices so that they now can be used during all phases of flight. Tablets, e-readers like Kindles and other electronic devices that play games and videos can be used safely and can provide travelers more comfort during the critical take-off and landing phases of the flight. The FAA said it is providing airlines with guidelines to carry out the new policy. The ban on cell phone use remains in effect. The FAA has long been studying the use of electronic devices below 10,000 feet and said that it made this new decision after input from representatives from the airlines, aviation manufacturers, passengers, pilots, flight attendants and the mobile technology industry. These changes will take effect depending upon each individual airline but the FAA said it is likely to occur before the end of this year. To read the Department of Transportation’s press release on this new rule, click here.