Erin Clifford Leads Wellness Webinar for NWSBA on January 6, 2021
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    Erin Clifford Leads Wellness Webinar for NWSBA on January 6, 2021

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    Posted on January 5, 2021 To
    Erin Clifford Leads Wellness Webinar for NWSBA on January 6, 2021

    Erin-CliffordErin Clifford, partner at Clifford Law offices and holistic wellness coach, is leading an online seminar for the Northwest Suburban Bar Association (NWSBA) on Wednesday, January 6, 2021.

    The webinar is complimentary to NWSBA Members and will focus on getting “Back to Basics” as it relates to health and well-being, an especially important topic in light of the pandemic, the surge in COVID-19 cases, and the start of a new year.

    Erin’s wellness education will focus on:

    • The importance of self-care check-ins
    • Tips on how to ease back (or maintain) your physical fitness
    • How to eat mindfully
    • The importance of sleep
    • Checking in on your mental health
    • Stress management tools that can be done virtually anywhere

    Erin will also share some of her favorite nutritious recipes.

    The #LunchandLearnWithGeo&Raj webinars are sponsored by the NWSBA & facilitated through the Civil Law Committee.

    To register for the Back to Basics: Well-Being Essentials for Lawyers webinar, click here.