FAA Slow Rule-Making Process Impacts Grieving Families of Victims of Flight 3407 | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    FAA Slow Rule-Making Process Impacts Grieving Families of Victims of Flight 3407

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    Posted on February 13, 2013 To

    It has been four years since the crash of Continental Connection Flight 3407 on its way to Buffalo, New York, killing all 49 aboard and a person on the ground. The families have had to endure much pain and sorrow dealing with the tragedy and the process of getting answers. Of course, those events cannot be changed, but in an effort to do things more safely going forward, the families have been pushing for legislation in Congress that was passed in August, 2010. But now they reportedly have been frustrated by the slow pace of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to turn those laws into regulations that the airlines can follow. The modernized rules updated requirements on pilot working hours and rest requirements, part of the problem of the tragic crash of the jet heading to Buffalo. Reporters for the Buffalo News have been closely following the story of the crash and its aftermath, and recently reported that the FAA is having trouble complying with “two central mandates of the law: tougher experience qualifications for pilots and improved pilot training.” Many family members traveled to Washington, D.C., Tuesday, Feb. 12, to again take their case to lawmakers there. That day marked the fourth anniversary of the tragic crash. The FAA is reported to have the qualifications rules by July, 11 months past the set deadline, and the training rule to be done in October, which is more than two years overdue. The FAA explained the delays by saying, “additional coordination necessary,” according to the Buffalo News story. The FAA seeks comments from various interests including the airlines, pilots, flight training schools and aviation safety advocates, which often includes the victims’ families. Many of the families of those who died on Flight 3407 expressed their frustration to the Buffalo News about the slow process here. Click here to read the recent Buffalo News story written by reporter Jerry Zremski.