Gulfstream Plane that Kills Nine in Dominican Republic Similar to Plane that Killed Three Near Chicago
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    Gulfstream Plane that Kills Nine in Dominican Republic Similar to Plane that Killed Three Near Chicago

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    Posted on December 16, 2021 To
    Gulfstream Plane that Kills Nine in Dominican Republic Similar to Plane that Killed Three Near Chicago

    The tragic crash of a Gulfstream IV-SP that killed all nine aboard on December 15, 2021, at Santo Domingo’s airport is the same type of aircraft that was involved in a crash at Chicago’s Palwaukee Airport that killed all three on board in 1996.

    Clifford Law Offices represented two of the three in that crash: the co-pilot of the corporate jet and a passenger. Robert A. Clifford and Richard F. Burke, partners at the firm, obtained a $13.5 million settlement on behalf of the corporate executive passenger killed on October 30, 1996, in that Gulfstream IV plane. A lawsuit was filed against the owners of the municipal airport outside Chicago as well as the corporation that owned the plane on behalf of the co-pilot. Following a trial that resulted in a hung jury, Burke tried the case again for another four weeks and received a $10.45 million verdict.

    The latest crash of the Gulfstream IV is reported to have been a chartered jet headed for Orlando that went down while attempting to make an emergency landing at the International Airport of the Americas in Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic. It is reported that several Americans were on board that aircraft.

    Clifford, founder and senior partner of the firm, is the Lead Counsel in the crash of a Boeing 737 MAX jet in Ethiopia. Litigation currently is pending in federal court in the Northern District of Illinois.

    For further information about these types of plane crashes, contact Clifford Law Offices Communications Partner Pamela Sakowicz Menaker at 847-721-0909 (cell).

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