Some important statistics on road safety | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Some Important Statistics on Road Safety

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    Posted on June 20, 2013 To

    By the numbers
    7,630 Fatalities – An estimated 7,630 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes during the first three months of 2012, a 13.2 percent increase over the first quarter of 2011. This reverses a historic downward trend in fatalities during the past several years. Source: Early Estimate of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities, First Quarter 2012 (download), National Highway Traffic Safety Administration  

    1.7 Million – More than 1.7 million people participate annually – 67 million since 1964 – in the National Safety Council’s (NSC’s) defensive driving program. Download NSC defensive driving tips. Source: Defensive Driving, National Safety Council

    1 in 3 Drivers – One in three drivers surveyed in 2009 felt less safe compared to five years before. And distracted driving (which killed 5,474 people and injured 448,000 the same year) was cited as the single most common reason for feeling that way. Source: 2009 Traffic Safety Index (download), AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety; Distracted Driving 2009 (download), National Highway Safety Administration

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